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TLRMC named a 2018 Top Rural & Community Hospital
March 14, 2018
Brittany Clemons, TLRMC Director of Quality (left), talks to Laura Jessie and Pam Langdon in front of the Case Management department's KPI board. Every area of the hospital measures Key Performance Indicators daily to gather data used to determine what processes can be improved and how. KPI boards are just one quality project employees at TLRMC are involved in.
Twin Lakes Regional Medical Center was recently named one of the Top 100 Rural & Community Hospitals in the United States by The Chartis Center for Rural Health. This is the second year in a row the Grayson County hospital has been honored. Unlike last year, TLRMC is the only rural hospital in Kentucky to receive the 2018 honor.
"This achievement is very gratifying and validates our daily commitment to providing the best health care possible to our community, while maintaining an efficient and effective healthcare facility," said Wayne Meriwether, MHA, Chief Executive Officer at TLRMC.
The announcement was made at the National Rural Health Association's (NRHA) annual Rural Health Policy Institute conference in Washington, D.C.
TLRMC scored in the top 100 of rural and community hospitals on iVantage Health Analytics' Hospital Strength INDEX®. The INDEX is the industry's most comprehensive and objective assessment of rural provider performance and its results are the basis for many of rural healthcare's most prominent awards, advocacy efforts and legislative initiatives. The list of the Top 100 Rural & Community Hospitals can be found at www.ivantageindex.com/top-performing-hospitals.
Brittany Clemons, RN, MSN, Director of Quality at TLRMC reflected on the award. "We pride ourselves on providing high quality care to our community and truly live by our motto 'Our Family Caring for Yours.' At TLRMC, we have an expectation to deliver care that we would want our own parents or children to receive. We are very honored to receive this recognition and will continue our efforts toward delivering a high level of care to our community."
"Often times at TLRMC we say that our people make the difference," Meriwether remarked. "Fulfilling our Mission to heal the sick, relieve pain and suffering, and improving the lives of the people we serve would be impossible without the commitment of our employees, medical staff and Board of Directors. Being recognized as a Top 100 hospital is a confirmation of their hard work and dedication to the healthcare needs of our community."
Each of the Top 100 Rural & Community Hospitals, including TLRMC, plays a key role in providing a safety net to communities across America. The INDEX measures rural hospitals across eight pillars of hospital strength: Inpatient Share Ranking, Outpatient Share Ranking, Cost, Charge, Quality, Outcomes, Patient Perspectives, and Financial Stability.
"It's more important than ever that rural hospitals proactively understand and address performance in the areas of cost, quality, outcomes and patient perspective. iVantage's INDEX was designed to serve as this industry model," said Michael Topchik, national leader of the Chartis Center for Rural Health. "Our analysis shows that this group of top performers exhibits a focused concern for their community needs."
The Chartis Group is a national advisory services firm dedicated to the healthcare industry. The Chartis Center for Rural Health (CCRH) was formed to offer tailored services, performance management solutions, research and education to rural hospitals and facilities. Learn more at www.chartisrural.com. iVantage Health Analytics is a subsidiary of The Chartis Group and a leading provider of healthcare analytic and performance management analytic tools. iVantage's analytics are the basis of continuing thought leadership and insight in the areas of healthcare policy and research. Learn more at www.iVantageHealth.com.